Neuromuscular Case Vignettes

Neuromuscular Case Vignettes

Clinical phenotype

Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography

Nerve and muscle pathology




Neuromuscular Diseases

This website is designed to present a variety of neuromuscular case vignettes which range from simple to complicated. It will help its viewers, i.e. neurologists,  neurology residents, neurophysiology and neuromuscular fellows formulate a differential diagnosis and narrow it down with appropriate para-clinical workup, i.e. neurophysiological studies, laboratory testing and nerve and muscle biopsies. Another objective of this website is to help neurology residents  achieve the electromyography and neuromuscular milestones which are set by ACGME.

The cases presented are all real patients. Some of the cases are presented by the Neurology residents or fellows of the University of Chicago Medical Center in monthly Neuromuscular conferences as well as local or national meetings.