Neuromuscular Case Vignettes

Case 9: Diagnosis

Diagnosis: Post-denervation muscle hypertrophy, focal myositis.

Post-denervation muscle hypertrophy is a rare phenomenon which can occur in the recovery period from monophasic neurogenic processes such as brachial neuritis or radiculopathy . A focal myositis is frequently found in the post-devervation hypertrophic muscle. See the table below for  other reported cases. The presence of continuous CRDs in the EMG study may be a predisposing factor for hypertrophic myopathy.

See below for some of the previously reported cases:


1.     Lunde HM, Skeie GO, Bertelsen AK, et al. Focal myositis–neurogenic phenomenon? Neuromuscul Disord. Apr 2012;22(4):350-354.

2.     Rousseff RT, Tzvetanov P. Muscle hypertrophy with complex repetitive discharges in C-6 radiculopathy. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. Aug 2005;107(5):425-427.

3.     Gobbele R, Schoen SW, Schroder JM, Vorwerk D, Schwarz M. S-1 radiculopathy as a possible predisposing factor in focal myositis with unilateral hypertrophy of the calf muscles. J Neurol Sci. Nov 15 1999;170(1):64-68.